Quadrol 90x - Mobile low-voltage electric rolling station
Quadrol 90x - Mobile low-voltage three-phase electric rolling station for semi-automatic rolling of tubes from 3/8" to 2 ½” ( from 9.5 to 63.5 mm )
Always at the forefront in research, Maus Italia has designed and produced, thanks to its more than 50 years’ experience in the field, its new Quadrol 90x electric mobile station which, with its innovative solutions, allow you to tackle tube rolling on an industrial scale which is characterized by high repeatability.

The Quadrol 90x mobile station includes the following:
F90 V5x - Electronic tube expansion controller with microprocessor
The F90 V5x electronic controller is the latest model in the F90 series which, since 1972 have sold in thousands of units all over the world.Easy to use, the F90 V5x has a dedicated interface and is protected by a robust metal casing; the controller contains a microprocessor and all controls are managed from a specially designed panel with high brightness display.

MK Series - Low-voltage electric rolling machine with self-ventilating three-phase motor with torque-based speed variation
Considerable increase in sensitivity
The MK series tube rolling machines are characterized by the wide ranging possibilities for torque adjustment with a resulting increase in the range of tubes that can be tooled
Automatic speed variation
The special construction feature which controls the progressive automatic variation of the speed according to the torque allows you to select a higher speed, significantly reducing the cycle time and reducing the wear of the tools.
Flexibility of use
With their mechanical 4-speed gearbox, the MK Series of rolling motors are able to optimize the speed range according to the parameters of the job.
The MK Series rolling motors are available in two models: MK400 and MK800F/308HS Articulated telescopic shaft
Articulated telescopic shaft with innovative design solutions that makes it reliable, particularly easy to handle as well as precise and stable at high speeds. It increases the operating range along the X and Y axis and ensures motion along the Z axis..

F/314HS - F/317HSPatented double quick couplings
Especially designed in combination with the Maus Italia tube expanders to reduce the vibrations transmitted to the operator during the expansion phase.
Image gallery of Quadrol 90x
Product technical datasheet
If you would like all the technical information related to this product, please download the .pdf brochureor get in contact with us directly, our qualified personnel will answer to your queries.